
Monday, October 25, 2010

something beautiful.

today was full of ups with a few downs.

- waking up early enough to get everything done that i needed to
- laughing at the dogs as they barked my husband out of bed at 5:30 am (they are not patient when it comes to their mealtime)
- following hubby to the local gas station where he bought me a morning coke...romantic, huh?
- wearing a favorite dress with my cute new (well, two wears ago new) pewter shoes
- singing silly songs with my kindergarteners
- sharing the excitement of the halloween season with 5 year olds in their first year of school!
- only working half a day
- feeling hopeful after a moment this afternoon that i was sure would be filled with tears and frustration
- listening to worship music and praying for patience, peace, and hope tonight (its been a long time since i've just sat in the presence of God and good for my soul)
- learning my nashville sister will indeed be joining us for thanksgiving!
- my first warm bowl of soup this fall season

- exhaustion at the sound of my alarm at 5 am
- a sad follow-up to a parent conference last heart breaks for this little one who is such a product of her unstructured, unstable environment
- field trip pumpkin patch tomorrow...more a bummer for me than the kids probably!

when i compare the lists, it leaves me no choice but to be thankful.  i have a God who makes something beautiful out of each moment of every day...even those that i dread the most.
in honor of that, i'll share this song i adore lately.  may it encourage you as it does me.

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