
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


tonight we made 'veggie' tacos.  so easy, SO good.  it tasted like the somewhat healthier version of taco bell (if there is such a thing!).

for those of you who don't know yet, i have been a 'veggie' since february-ish of this year.  i can't remember the exact date because it was a slightly impulsive decision.  i say slightly because i ordered a few books, researched a little, and decided to take the plunge for my own curiousity.  i also wanted to experiment with this way of living because -- well, if you know me -- i have issues of the stomach-type.

i was pretty nervous initially because first of all, until i retrained myself through this new lifestyle, i never really looked at labels.  i now had to actually spend time in the grocery store comparing, google-ing ingredients, and buying things i have never bought before.  at first, it was a whole-hearted (even husband-hearted) endeavor that involved new recipes, weird textures, and completely meatless and barely processed foods.  some meals were excellent.  others were thrown entirely away after one bite (which was especially discouraging after i spent an hour chopping delicious veggies, roasting them, and then mixing them with couscous.  BIG mistake.  turns out i have a texture issue, at least with that).

i'm not sure if it was the lack of meat in my diet, or the transition to whole and unprocessed foods, but i did see a difference.  my stomach no longer cramped and i...well, i'll spare you the details!  i also lost a few pounds the first couple months which stayed off, but the weight loss lessened, especially after my 12 credit hour summer took a toll on my gym time.

i'm not sure what the next step is.  i don't see myself diving back into meat, because honestly, it kind of grosses me out now.  i'd like to try cutting out all animal products for a while, also for my own curiousity, but that takes substantially more effort.  for now, i'm focusing on cutting the sugar out and continuing to build meals around plants and whole grains.  i feel better and ultimately, that's what this change has been about.

for those of you interested, i recommend a 30 day trial.  what can it hurt?  if you hate it, eat meat again.  nothing lost, but perspective gained.  i also would suggest these resources:

a quick, easy read with some simple rules to live by when wanting to eat from a more holistic perspective.  michael pollen is not a vegetarian, so its an interesting read for even those want to switch to a plant-based diet.

another great book by pollan that explores the idea of plant-based eating more in-depth.

don't write it off.  it's a good read for those wanting to experiment with removing meat from their diet to those 'superheroes' who can eat a completely vegan diet.
she also has a neat website: with interesting updates on a regular basis.

i'd like to continue learning, so if you have any recommendations, please let me know!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Hi Mack! I didn't know that you had a blog! How exciting!!
Good luck on your food journey! I think you'll find it really beneficial! I felt SO GOOD being a veggie.. I never craved meat at all. Here in Bots, meat is the #1 export and everything is free-range and locally grown and EVERY MEAL has meat in it! haha! I still feel better after having an all-veg meal though.
Do you like Tofu? That was a key ingredient in a lot of my cooking in the states. I also put refried or kidney beans in EVERYTHING! Be careful (as I'm sure you know...) about your protein. I always felt weak when I wasn't getting enough..
I remember how we use to get stomach problems in high school.. I STILL have problems as well. I find it interesting that you do as well. Mine is slightly a milk intolerance though.. Hm.
Well, this is a long comment but I hope your veg journey goes well! If you want to be further grossed out check out the movie: Food Inc.