
Sunday, October 9, 2011

playing catch up.

well, it has officially been almost eleven months since my last update.
here's an update:

tried to get pregnant, succeeded, had a baby, and now are a family of three (in many less words than how it actually happened)!

we both graduated with our masters in educational administration...SO glad that's done.

brad got a new job which means i am now a stay at home mom (at least for a while).

i think that's the main points, briefly!

my last post, i was just beginning to learn how to use my camera.  i'm sad to say that i am still not where i want to be.  however, i'm attempting to kick my learning curve into high gear as taking pictures has become somewhat of a creative outlet for me while i have stepped away from teaching briefly.  i intend to start a new photo blog that is less narrative, but until then, here's my latest and most prized portrait subject!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


the last four days, i have been consumed with taking without further ado, i will let the pictures do most of the talking! (and apologies in advance for all the dog pictures...until we have babies, they are pretty much our lives : )

the next few pictures are from the most delicious batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies i just made...complete with cream cheese icing...unbelievable!

that pretty much concludes what i've done so far.  and yes, i still know absolutely nothing about how to work my camera other than in the auto modes.  also yes, my very talented friend sarah is giving me a lesson this week. 

i have soo much to learn yet.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


i cried bawled today in church.  what an amazing message of hope, peace, and perseverance.  God works in  the barren land.  if the israelites would have thought their situation was final after a few months, they would have died in the desert.  i was so encouraged and challenged to realize this is not final.  i am where i need to be and God is here with me.  every step.  every day.  in every way. 

after this morning's service we had a great conversation with some friends, came home and rearranged two of our rooms (and by that i mean we entirely swapped the furniture from one room to another).  i feel good about my productivity...i wrote a paper, voice-overed a powerpoint, finished indexing 250 books, moved/cleaned/trashed various parts of the house, and  bought a freaking sweet camera.  see below.

best buy had their annual heroes sale (which includes teachers) and i was finally able to convince bradley that i wanted...rather, needed this camera.
the unfortunate part: not in stock.  so now i wait anxiously for the 15th so i can learn to take incredible (at least more incredible than i currently can with my 5 yr old nikon) pictures.

moral of the both stories: i am learning that the waiting process is an important one and i will cherish every moment with purpose and hope.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


i have had quite the enjoyable day that peaked even more when i saw this in meijer:

my favorite lime chips and salsa.  i seriously check these two items every time we go grocery shopping and have committed to only buying them when they are on sale and usually its either the chips or the salsa, but not today!  i spotted the orange and yellow stickers from 4 aisles away and darted quickly toward them as there were only two bags of chips left. so i sit here, happily blogging and eating this delightful snack...all the while avoiding my three papers due sunday.  ahh.

i have a feeling tomorrow shall be equally as good because it includes pajama day (the favorite day of all kindergarten teachers...well, maybe a close second to the day before christmas break because of the delightful homemade and thoughtful presents), halloween movie and popcorn in the auditorium, fall party with chocolate upon chocolate treat, the staff pitch-in complete with decked out spider theme, ballet class in the evening, and a late night dinner with good friends at the best little pub in town (their veggie quesadillas are exquisite).  all this and i haven't even mentioned that it will also be the last day of school this week.  oh my.

i'll let the thrill of the halloween season continue to help me put off the least until sunday afternoon : ).  then again, we have an obligation to pass out candy for cute trick-or-treaters, right??

Monday, October 25, 2010

something beautiful.

today was full of ups with a few downs.

- waking up early enough to get everything done that i needed to
- laughing at the dogs as they barked my husband out of bed at 5:30 am (they are not patient when it comes to their mealtime)
- following hubby to the local gas station where he bought me a morning coke...romantic, huh?
- wearing a favorite dress with my cute new (well, two wears ago new) pewter shoes
- singing silly songs with my kindergarteners
- sharing the excitement of the halloween season with 5 year olds in their first year of school!
- only working half a day
- feeling hopeful after a moment this afternoon that i was sure would be filled with tears and frustration
- listening to worship music and praying for patience, peace, and hope tonight (its been a long time since i've just sat in the presence of God and good for my soul)
- learning my nashville sister will indeed be joining us for thanksgiving!
- my first warm bowl of soup this fall season

- exhaustion at the sound of my alarm at 5 am
- a sad follow-up to a parent conference last heart breaks for this little one who is such a product of her unstructured, unstable environment
- field trip pumpkin patch tomorrow...more a bummer for me than the kids probably!

when i compare the lists, it leaves me no choice but to be thankful.  i have a God who makes something beautiful out of each moment of every day...even those that i dread the most.
in honor of that, i'll share this song i adore lately.  may it encourage you as it does me.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

double whoops.

edit: i have bad ideas every once in a while, and this was one of them!

in other news:
crazy week ahead of season begins in full swing along with a new class for me (which i've procrastinated homework on all day).  whoops.  time to finally get around to that.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


i'm not so crafty and creative, but i have two goals in the next year.
1. get a dslr camera and learn to take some fabulous pictures.
2. obtain a sewing machine and begin to make some cutesy things.
any suggestions/recommendations on how i should go about this?
i get overwhelmed when i think about beginning something so new...