
Saturday, September 19, 2009


Apparently, Kindergarten teachers aren't supposed to say ridiculous...I was corrected quite adamantly by a 5 year old this week for telling her that the way she put a book away is ridiculous. Go figure!

Things have been a bit 'ridiculous' in our lives lately...not a bad ridiculous, just busy! My volleyball season is well underway and it has been both a blessing and learning experience for me. Brad is hosting open gyms and getting to know the team before the season officially begins.
School is in full swing as well -- 23 students and counting for me and a new smartboard for Brad...must be nice!
On another note, would you keep us in prayer as we consider a move in our future? We're not sure what the details hold but are hoping that God reveals Himself to us in this area.
I'm off to clean up a bit before going to bed -- you know it's sad when the only time to straighten your house is at 10:55 on a Saturday night!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

back to the grind.

Now, for a more current update...

Well, I knew it would eventually arrive. The grind. Wake up, go to school, go to practice, come home, sleep, and let it begin again. I don't think I was mentally prepared for the busy-ness that comes with beginning and new school year AND coaching. Don't get me wrong, I have loved the excitement that a new year brings and the chance to reconnect with volleyball, but it is more draining than I had anticipated...and masters classes haven't even begun!

Please pray for me this year as I attempt to mold the lives of 22 5 and 6 years old. This group is quite different from last year and well...I will need some prayer :).

Brad is enjoying the quietness before his storm of basketball begins. It'll be interesting to see how roles switch as I am so busy. Already, he has been such a blessing with cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the dogs. I have a great husband.

We have company arriving shortly...more updates to come as classes begin!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

summer, how I love thee.

EDIT ---- I wrote this post back Mid-July and didn't actually post it because I wanted to include pictures! Now that I have finally uploaded my pictures, you can read the update!

I woke up and pinched myself this morning. Seriously, a summer with no job? How about a summer with a husband who has no job? I honestly don't think I could ask for a better career -- I get to play everyday with precious little ones and only work half the year! I have had a lot of time to sit back and count my blessings this past month. God is changing my heart and I have never been more grateful.
Our summer adventures have included...

Our dear friends, Miranda and Billy's wedding!

A week-long trip to Daytona Beach with our good friends, Josh and Jennie.

Painting of our entire house. It's still in the process but it's getting closer everyday!

Painting of this super cool TV cabinet. Don't tell our landlord, but I think we're going to paint an accent wall this color too! :)

A few days with my family in Michigan.

Time to really seek God through this amazing Bible Study.

Lots of open gyms for Bradley.

Still to come this summer:

Buddy's neutering...tomorrow. I'm not sure the last time I was this nervous!

Trip to TN for Brad to meet my extended family.

My wisdom teeth removal...ahhh!

Our 1 year anniversary! I can hardly believe it's here.

The beginning of a two year journey toward a Masters of Educational Administration...wish us luck!

And the simpleness of enjoying the sunshine before the craziness begins again.

I am so anxious to get into my classroom and begin setting up for the fall...I often wonder if this earnestness will continue as my years increase. I sure hope so! I keep reminding myself to enjoy all the 'time' I've been given and not to let it tick away without realizing that God has a purpose in every minute. I'll try and get an update toward the end of this month because as soon as we hit August 1st...there is litle breathing room!

I'll end with a Beth Moore quote that touched my heart during my Bible Study this morning:

"God created time and never wastes it. We alone waste time when our impatience to receive our earthly inheritance hinders our preparation to know what to do with it."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

not quite spring, but yet a break.

I wanted to start this entry by talking about how refreshing spring break has been, but a few things have rained on my parade. Our basement flooded. Twice. And our landlord has made more excuses as to why he hasn't been over to fix it. So our washer and dryer are up on bricks, we have a lot of laundry we are unable to do, and no hot water to wash our dishes because the pilot light was drowned two nights ago. My dear, sweet husband is downstairs as I type trying to work on the silly sump pump that continues to malfunction. He's ankle deep in frigid water. Bless his soul. Maybe when our landlord makes it here, he will 'think' about fixing our pipe that burst in December. That might be a stretch.
Also, my dear, sweet husband who is pretty handy at sump pumps determined he's not so great with expensive linens. For example, our new bedspread. It was downstairs to be washed because our precious pup got nervous on our bed (which always leads to tinkling). Well, it was drowned as well in our flood. Hubbie took it to the laundromat, which was successful, but then he put it in our dryer...on normal heat. We now have a fried bedspread. I'm calm about it now because I used last night to cry and weep over this lost item. I've reminded myself its just a 'thing' and he didn't do it purposely, so eventually we will replace it. Until then, I'll sleep under a melted and semi-hard comforter.
Also, its been cold. And I'm over cold, and very ready for Spring.
I have a few more updates but I'll wait a couple days, hoping you'll check back in anxious anticipation!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

where it counts

I had to make a phone call to a father of a very upset little girl to inform them that his little angel had kicked two boys...where it counts. I can't remember how old I was when I learned this was a bad thing. She was five and a half.

Brad and I have decided to take the plunge into joining a small group. I am really excited about developing some relationships where it counts. I also learned a teacher from my school is in the group -- God is good :).

We are praying a lot about where we are headed next year. I find it so uplifting when God makes you yearn for something, but yet the situation is totally out of your control. I am learning to trust God where it counts.

Our mischevious little dogs decided to shred our carpet this morning, sometime between my shower and the time I left 25 minutes later. Let's hope that doesn't cost us too much money to fix because we have very little money where it counts (but a lot in retirement where it doesn't count yet...).

By now, my phrase is worn out so I will anxiously await my husbands return, invest some time in cleaning, and be thankful that my count to the weekend is down to one more day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

six more weeks...

Today the groundhog saw his shadow. I can't say I'm surprised. Teaching Kindergarten you learn a lot of valuable "world" the history of Punxtaswaney Phil. For instance, of the 82 times (I think!) that his predictions have been recorded, a mere 15 of those forecasted an early spring. But of those 82 predictions, he has only been correct 33% of the time! So maybe he'll be wrong this year :). Either way, all I'm asking is that my husband doesn't have to plow our entire alley way again because the church we rent from has plowed us in (innocent mistake I'm sure but nonetheless troublesome!). It would also be nice not to get stuck 5 times on your way out the alley way and then not be able to drive about 44 mph due to ice and snow shalacking your axles. Ahh winter.

Last weekend was my 24th birthday! The weekend extravaganza began on Friday night with a wonderful night out with my dear friend Sarah. We went to dinner and then came back and relaxed. On Saturday, after shuttling my husband to and from basketball games, we finally left for Indy. A quick stop at distinctive got my engagement ring back (after a long two weeks with a bent prong!) and then to the fashion mall for a little more than my hubbie could handle :). But did I get quite the birthday deal. How about a $240 outfit for a humble $82?? Happy birthday jeans and a top to me. Thanks BCBG.
After we departed from the fashion mall, we headed straight downtown to check into our hotel. Many traffic lights and bumpers later, we arrived at the assumed hilton. You'd think, right? Oh no. There are apparently 5 hiltons in one square mile. Of course we would go to the wrong one. So more traffic lights, bumpers, and parking garages later, we arrived at the real hotel. I won't admit that I was cranky, because it was my birthday after all. A quick shower and we headed to the fabulous pf changs -- I, of course, hadn't eaten a thing because all my meals were saved for our one stop! Bad choice. "Our wait is two hours." Blasted. We strolled around the mall and my stomach was very glad that it was only a 50 minute wait after all. Dinner was as good as imagined and after a while longer out, we headed back to the hotel.
Sunday brought more surprises! My wonderful mother and sister made cupcakes for my whole class to take in on monday. These were no regular cupcakes, definitely superstar quality. I'm talking dinosaur and teddy bear sprinkles. I even had enough to share with students from last year. I'm blessed.
I finished off the birthday celebrations with massages with dear friends yesterday. We went to a beauty school in anderson and other than my inexperienced masseuse's long nails, I walked away relaxed. We followed our girls day out with dinner and great conversations. I love girlfriends.
A great birthday celebration. I am a lucky girl.

I must mention here that my dogs are sick. Pray for them. Both are having less than solid stools, one is upchucking, and they both refuse to eat. We know from my previous post that this is a tragic and frightening thing!

My snow day count is up to two. Brad's? Six. I was resentful, I'll admit. But I'll be the one snuggled in at 10am in June while he makes up each and every minute.

I've decided along with the master's I'd like to begin that I'd like to write children's books and go to conferences on all things literacy and best practices. I'm not sure how all those will fit into a schedule but I'll try to make it work. I begin tomorrow with the indiana conference on learning. I'll let you know how it goes!

Lastly, if you could say a prayer on the direction our lives are taking. We are praying about some changes that I will not mention here just yet. Change is scary and uncertain but I don't want to let my hesitation and comfortability of where I am at change who God would like me to become. I'm open, Lord. Send me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

for the love....

In the last 24 hours I've realized that I am obsessed. Like, I'm thinking more than love...borderline obsession. And no, not with my husband (though he is handsome, great, and the love of my life) obsession lies with my dogs.
I read this article yesterday while hubby was finishing up at the gym and realized I have stepped into this new age of pet care.
I don't think I'm crazy (other than I still cry when I think about Marley & Me), at least I hope not. It's just not hard to feel for my year and a half chocolate lab who has developed a severe allergy to something in his food and cannot stop itching and has very puffy eyes. Seriously, I had nightmares. And our other pup can lick so fervishly that your face almost hurts after just a few. How can you not adore someone an animal that will never turn on you despite your no makeup, grumpy moods, and dirty house?
Time to go finish 90210 and cuddle with the pooches on the couch...ahh what a great evening :).

Monday, January 19, 2009

Penguins Waddle

Two months since I have last blogged. Sad. I will get better -- I am even thinking about starting a teacher blog...hmm.

Okay so two months of updates here we go!

1. We are still living happily ever after...or so it seems! Marriage is better...and different than I anticipated. Being married to your best friend is a definite bonus because when you get mad at them in a spouse sort of way, you can still like them in a friend sort of way.

2. Christmas break was very needed for both of us. We went to my family's for a week and then to Brad's for a nice dinner and then had a whole week at home to play and relax. How far is summer?

3. My sister, Mehgan, got a mini-pomeranian for Christmas. He is ADORABLE. And he loves our dogs even if he is nearly 1/17th their weight. Check out the video below to see his fiesty-ness and notice Buddy's "unsure" response.

4. Brad and I have decided we are going to start our master's degrees this summer! We're looking at a couple different schools but are 93% sure we are going to go for it. We'll let you know how our marriage is after two years of classes together.

5. It has snowed a lot. Brad has had three snow days because of it, compared to my one. Doesn't seem quite fair knowing I have the farthest, therefore most treacherous route to drive.

6. I signed up to run the mini marathon in May...yikes. The training is easier but harder than I thought. Easier = I have run more than I thought I would be able to. Harder = I am not as motived as I would like to be. That's why I just ate half a giant Butterfinger candy bar (thanks to my Christmas stocking).

7. This year Brad and I have to do a state teaching portfolio. It's rough. Today was my day to write lesson plans so I could teach them next week. So...I got my student profiles filled out :). No lesson plans.

8. I now have a craft room! We cleaned out the upstairs "leftover wedding and storage room" and moved my scrapbooking cart along with a old table in there. It's fabulous. Now I just have to organize it...I'm tempted to go now and not do any more lessons. Hmmm.

9. The reason we started this blog was to keep our wedding guests and friends updated on the child we adopted because his birthday was on our wedding day (July 25). Ready for a little twist? Last month we got this letter in the mail:

"Mrs. Fugett,
We regret to inform you that we have received updated information on James. Please review the folowing information.
Name: James Watiri Njogu
Birthdate: August 25, 2001
Birthplace: Kenya, Africa
Thank you,
World Vision"

It's like a little joke from God but I look at it this way -- we must have needed James as much as he needed us so God changed his birthday just long enough and then surprise -- He shows His sovereignty again!

10. I taught a penguin unit at school last week. It was one of the most fun weeks at school in a while. The kids paired up (boy-girl eww!) just like the penguins do. They were given one egg between the two of them to care for throughout the day. Once it left my hands at 9am, it was their complete responsibility until 3:15pm. 9 eggs began the day. At 10am, 3 eggs were left. At 1pm, 1 egg was left. And at 3:15pm, that one little egg was left triumphant! I think we all learned valuable lessons. Thankfully, they were hardboiled.

11. Over Christmas, I decided we needed to go to Cabo this summer. I researched it and hot-dog! $1200 roundtrip, all inclusive, 7 days 6 nights. What a deal, right? We planned what dates we would be gone, budgeted, and chose our resort. And then...I read the fine print.

"$1200 per person if booked together."

I'm an idiot. And we have to find a different vacation spot. Any ideas?

On that note, I'm going to finish up here thinking of warmer weather...while deciding if I should organize or write a lesson plan.

PS - Less than one week until my birthday AND our 6 month anniversary. Aren't they spaced nicely? :)